Without your generosity and goodwill, Corpus Christi could not continue to thrive as a centre of academic excellence.

Please get in touch - we’d love to hear from you. 

Development Director
Liz Lyle | elizabeth.lyle@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Liz leads the Development Team and is responsible for the College’s development and alumni engagement strategy and for major gifts.  She is a Fellow of the College.

Donor Relations and Events Executive
Martha Baskerville-Butler | 01865 286550 | development@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Please contact Martha if you would like information about alumni events, wish to visit the College or simply want to be in touch.

PA to the President and Alumni Communications Manager
Sara Watson | 01865 276740 | sara.watson@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Please contact Sara to update contact details or for information about the e-Newsletter, the Sundial magazine or the College’s annual publication the Pelican Record, including submitting alumni news.

Development Executive
Alex Fice | 01865 276779 | development@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Alex works in collaboration with Liz to review, devise and implement fundraising strategies to increase major gifts and planned gifts to Corpus.

Development Officer
Alana Halpin | 01865 616797 | development@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Alana supports the Development Team with all aspects of their work including maintaining team operations, database and regular giving campaigns implementation and donor relations and events support.

Legacy and Planned Giving Executive
Kate Kewley | kate.kewley@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Please contact Kate with questions about leaving a legacy to the College. Kate works closely with the Development Team to devise and implement a long-term, planned legacy strategy. 

For all general queries, including updating your contact details on our alumni database, please email development@ccc.ox.ac.uk.

For details of how we hold information on our alumni and donors, please view our privacy policy here.