
Sustainability at Corpus


The seriousness of the changes to our climate and ecosystems and exponential acceleration of impacts has served as an urgent call to action for the College.

This is a collaborative enterprise where Junior Members, Fellows and staff all have a role to play. So what are we doing?

Corpus, together with Exeter and Lincoln, employs a Sustainability Officer, Peter Nitsche-Whitfield.  Peter is helping to guide the College on its journey to sustainability.  He aims to address sustainability holistically by tackling all the dimensions of our ecological crises from the climate emergency, biodiversity collapse, land and resourse use, to waste and pollution.

The landscape and wildlife photographs on these sustainability pages were taken at Nether Hale, a farm on the Corpus estate, by amateur photographer Russell Miles.

Read the Corpus Christi College Sustainability Policy here.

Read the College's annual Sustainability Report here.

Peter can be contacted at