We recommend you apply as early as possible, generally 4-8 weeks in advance, and 8-12 weeks in advance for appointments during June to September.

The long (summer) vacation is often busy as it is a time when academic researchers are free to do research, overseas visitors visit the UK and Oxford for conferences, and staff are required to take leave.

* Please note that we will be short-staffed in August 2024, and so correspondence and research will therefore be delayed.  This, coupled with building work on site, means we are unable to accommodate readers in August 2024.   

Applying for admission

Please email or write in advance to explain why you need access, as we cannot admit you without an appointment.

  • Graduate and undergraduate students must supply a letter (ideally on headed paper) from their supervisor or referee confirming they need access for their studies. Academics should arrange for or bring a letter of introduction.
  • Your application should include information about the material, such as shelf marks/call numbers for early printed books or catalogue numbers for manuscripts where possible. (Read about Catalogues and Special Collections.)
  • If you can view the material elsewhere and/or in another form (i.e. digital, microfilm), please explain why you need access to the physical item at Corpus.
  • Check below for details of planned library closures so you can request an appointment on appropriate days.
  • If you get an appointment, please read At Your Appointment (below) and ensure you bring correct ID.

The College reserves the right not to admit readers who don't satisfy the registration procedure.

Please note: Information regarding appointments and research requests is collected and processed according to the General Data Protection Regulation and associated data protection legislation.

APPOINTMENT TIMES - restricted times and numbers of readers

Tuesday and Wednesday | 10 am to 4 pm (with an hour break for lunch)

Depending on staff availability, and access to buildings and the collections

Early Printed Books

Contact Library.Staff@ccc.ox.ac.uk

Manuscripts and Archives (staff are only at Corpus three days a week)

Contact Archives@ccc.ox.ac.uk

Please wait for us to confirm your appointment(s) before making travel arrangements.

Library and Archives annual closures 

  • Between Christmas and New Year (see also * above)
  • Over four-day Easter weekend
  • Two weeks in August for stock check and maintenance

At your appointment

Please arrive on time and bring photo ID, plus proof of your signature and residential address.

  • Passport, national/state ID card or driving licence
  • Alternative ID such as British Library Reader Pass or County Archive Research Network (CARN readers’ ticket) can be accepted with additional proof of permanent address.
  • Institutional ID, including Oxford University and Bodleian cards, is not sufficient.
  • Academics should bring a letter of introduction.

We scan your ID and registration form, and keep the copies on a secure server. We cannot grant access until your registration form is completed, and your ID confirmed and scanned.